Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's About the People You Meet

It has been awhile since my words have graced the blog scene, over four and half months to be exact.  Please excuse my hiatus.  Obviously, life does go on without my blog thoughts crowding the Internet, but in a way I have missed it and I am back to remind myself of what wonders life holds.  Just as my journal has often come to a halt, I fell victim to boredom with my blog as well.  My excuses have been the same as before:  tired, bored, lack of excitement for life.  But I made a goal to write and I need to accomplish it.  And accomplish it I will!  Here I am again with high hopes to keep up my writing.  So, welcome back. 

I have the flu.  Maybe that is actually why I found the time to write.  I have nothing better to do.  Lame excuse, perhaps, either way, I am here.  I hate the flu.  And no, I don’t believe in flu shots.  Be disgusted if you must, but the last time someone in this family got a flu shot, everyone came down the flu, including the family that was visiting us.  There were lines at every bathroom door…I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.  Flu shots just don’t seem to go well for this family.  So, once a year, almost like clockwork, I come down with the flu.  I endure it for a few days and then I am as good as new.  This year’s, though, has been a particularly bad case.  I started my new job at the middle school on Friday.  Monday morning my throat was swollen and my head was pounding.  I knew I was sick, but I didn’t want to call in on my second day of work.  I went to take a shower and next thing I knew, I was laying down on the bathroom floor completely disoriented.  I had passed out.  Ugh.  I had to call in sick.  I was so out of it that I had to have my mother call the middle school.  Talk about flash back to the life of embarrassing adolescence!  I am 26 this coming Sunday and I had to have my mom call in sick for me.  Oh life.  Sometimes I feel as if my real life will never begin.  I am trapped in this phase of transition from college life to true adulthood.  I know I am not the only one feeling this.  Am I waiting for something?  Or am I truly pushing forward seeking the fullest of life?  That I cannot tell you. 

Before I take a turn for the worst into dramatic, deep, and thoughtful, I will stop myself and write about my summer.   And yes, it was an amazing summer.  The wonderful blessing about being significantly underemployed and living with my parents is the amount of flexibility I have.  I have been able to travel, travel, travel and visit old friends and family and experience new places and eat delicious food.  Because really, eating delicious food is incredibly important to my life. 

So this is how my summer went:

I love the month of May.  Growing up, May meant the end of school and the beginning of adventure.  The childhood magic I felt in the month of May has stayed with me since.  Even though I am no longer in school, May still holds a hopeful “Long, Hot, Summer” and fills me with excitement for the months ahead.  This May fulfilled its promise of a wonderful summer and I am sad it is almost to an end.    

Mid-May I drove down to Philadelphia with my mom and explored the city as well as Amish country.  It was beautiful!  While down there I also went to an old friend’s wedding.  I love weddings!  I went to a lot this summer.  I feel like this summer was the summer of weddings.  But of course, ever since I entered my 20’s, every summer has felt that way.  This wedding, though, was a great way to start off my summer.  Before I went to see her, I looked at old messages from years ago that we had written describing boy problems and frustrations with dating.  Then I saw her at the wedding so blissfully happy with life and her new husband.  She told me that night that even though she had a lot of disappointments in dating, she wouldn’t change a thing.  She found her man, and it was worth the wait.  Goodness, her optimism and happiness certainly blessed me with a new perspective on dating.  Wise words right there.  Thanks, Courtney!

Courtney and her Husband

June was crazy busy.  My dad, little sister, and I decided to go to Idaho and Utah for ten days.  There were weddings to go to and friends and relatives to see, plus I needed a serious break from my golf course job.  Believe me, I was incredibly grateful to have a job, but standing behind a desk all day selling golf balls for five months straight warrants a break.  So off I went on a grand adventure out west. 

My little sister, Allie has never experienced Idaho and Utah.  She went there once as a baby, and I doubt she remembers much.  She had her eyes opened while in Utah.  We are an LDS family, my dad graduated from BYU, and I was born in Provo, Utah.  Typical of an LDS family.  But as soon as my dad headed off to graduate school when I was five, we haven’t been back since.  While in Utah we went to Temple Square and Allie learned all about the LDS church history.  But it still didn’t connect that Mormons settled Utah.  While at Lagoon (the local theme park, wahoo!)  there was a display about the LDS church settling Utah Valley.  Allie ran over to my dad and I and said, “Look!  There are Mormons here!  They’re talking about our church!”  My dad and I couldn’t help but laugh!  Allie never knew that Utah is FULL of Mormons.   It absolutely amazed her when we told her that Utah is pretty much half Mormon.  She never knew.  Haha!  I suppose that makes sense since she’s only ever lived in Hawaii and Germany. 

On a ride at Lagoon with my Dad and Allie

Allie experiencing her first Icee ever!

I met up with so many wonderful friends in Utah and Idaho.  My friend circle in New York is rather small, so it was such a joy to be around people I love.  I had the chance to do several photography sessions as well.  Lots of love going around and I was so happy to be apart of it.

Emily and baby girl Kailyn, Me, and Mariah
My friend Enea, pretending to be taller than me.
Camping and Canoeing in Idaho

I had to go back to work.  So, I endured another month of the golf course and picked up more work at the Arts and Crafts Center.  I started teaching sewing classes on top of my photography classes.  Let me tell you a little secret….I am not much of a sewer.  In fact, I despised it most of my life.  My mother is a BRILLIANT quilter and seamstress.  She does wonders with a needle and thread.  She tried for years to get me interested in sewing.  She finally was able to convince me to start a quilt this year.  That’s when it all started.  I have been working on a quilt for months using my basic sewing skills.  When I took the job working part time at the Arts and Crafts center they asked me if I sew. “Uh.  Yes.  I mean, well, I know basic sewing.  I mean, yeah, I’m good.”  That was my answer, “basic” being the keyword.  When I found out I had the job, I ran home and told my mom that she needed to teach me how to sew! I have sewed skirts and pajama pants in the past, but I wasn’t ever any good.  I got that job in April, and luckily I had a whole month to prepare for my first sewing class.  It went well.  And then we hit a dry spell (THANKFULLY) and I had time to practice sewing.  In July we went full steam ahead with sewing projects and we haven’t slowed down since.  Really, it has been a wonderful experience for me.  I am learning and growing every day and I love it!  Just don’t tell anyone at Arts and Crafts.

On top of work I had the chance to get away for a weekend to Maine with my family and see where my mom lived as a little girl.  It smelled like fish and beans.  But it was gorgoues!  I also had my first real lobstah.  Allie had to close her eyes while I pried apart the little beast.  She kept yelling, “You are so cruel!” And cruel it was!  But delicious, too.  Yum. 

My dad and I eating delicious lobster.

And with another stroke of luck (or divine intervention, whichever way you’d like to look at it) I was able to go to Palmyra for a few days and see one of my old mission companions, Christina.  She lives in Canada just north of the border of New York.   When I found out she was going to be in Palmyra I knew I couldn’t miss the chance to see her.  So, I drove through the New York boonies (boonies do exist in New York) and met up with her in Palmyra.  It was a wonderful visit as we explored the area together.  Too many wonderful emotions to share here, but let me just say, it was quite the experience.  I know there are people we are meant to meet in this life who will change us for the better.  And she is one of them.

Christina and I in Palmyra

I quit the golf course and left for Arizona, Utah, and Idaho.  Yes, I went back out west.  I had no plans to go out west again for the rest of the year, but then my best friend got engaged.  And what’s a girl to do?!  Miss her best friend’s wedding? Noooooo.  I wasn’t going to miss it for the world!  So, I went to Arizona for ten days and enjoyed all of the last minute wedding plans and parties and amazing food.  The wedding was absolutely beautiful.  I cried.  A lot.  When I am overwhelmed with happiness, I can’t hold back the tears!  I think I did a pretty good job of concealing them from public view, though.  I was also her wedding photographer and I did her hair (the hair part made me more nervous than the photography part!) and it all turned out wonderfully.  She is so happy.  And I am so happy for her. 

Clarice and Spencer on their Wedding Day

My brother drove down from Idaho to attend the wedding as well and to pick me up and take me back to Idaho.  On his way through the Utah desert, his car broke down.  Oh my gosh.  Never, ever, ever do I want that to happen to me!  He handled it like a man though.  He was able to get his car towed to a mechanic and rent another car to come down and get me.  The only car available though was a brand new hot red beetle!  Oh we were a sight zooming around the west with the little red-hot beetle.   More strangers talked to me than ever because of that car!  It was an adventure, that’s for sure.  We zipped through Utah and spent a week in Idaho zooming around the countryside and up and down mountains.  By the end, I grew attached to that little beauty and it will forever remain in my heart.   No joke. 

Parker with our Beetle in Arizona

While out west, I was once again able to push forward with photography. When I wasn’t zipping around in a beetle, I filled my time with family and engagement portrait sessions.  What a joy it is for me to photograph.  I love it more than anything and to have so many people trusting me with their pictures makes me feel so blessed.   Thanks to all of you who have given me those wonderful opportunities!

I am back in New York.  I am still taking life one day at a time, but so far, it seems to be working out for me.  Looking back on this wonderful summer that I have had I am so grateful for the people I have met, the friends I have made, and the old friendships that I have been able to rekindle.   I worry a lot about my future and panic over big decisions I have had to make.  I don’t know where I am headed and I don’t know what’s next for me, but a friend just reminded me that life is more about the people you meet.  Like I mentioned earlier, there are people I know we are meant to meet.  And I have seen in my own life that many of the big decisions I have made were based just on that.  Often I do not know why I need to take a particular job or move to a particular place or even go to a particular school.  But in every circumstance it has turned out that there was someone there I was supposed to meet.  I truly believe that. 

Now, I am off to work on photography since I have fallen behind due to this ridiculous illness.  Wish me luck!  And I will be back again soon….though I am sure the next blog post will not be as long.  (Relief, right?!) 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I draw what I see and what I feel.  

I needed a dress for a formal event.  I looked everywhere for a dress like this.  Never found one!

This was drawn out of boredom.

I like to draw outfits and fashion that I see.  This all came from NYC.

Monday, May 7, 2012


May Seventh. My entire body becomes filled with an indescribable overwhelming of happiness, sadness, and wishful longing every year on this date.  Nostalgia overtakes my senses as it tries to bring me perfectly back to that first May Seventh ten years ago. 

There is a first turning point in every young person’s life when he or she will never be the same.  That turning point often occurs in a moment, pricking the soul instantaneously, permeating through every limb, where it remains, forever.  Years may pass and the memory becomes dormant, leaving one to move on. 

Until Nostalgia sneaks up and without warning, wakes the memory.

May Seventh is my trigger and the memory of my turning point beats to vibrant life once again.  Even when I do not notice the date, I can feel the breeze carrying in hopes of an early summer and the scents of fresh trees and warm days.  I know it is May Seventh and I spend the day in another world, longing to feel those feelings I first felt in a young girl’s heart.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sistah, Schwester

"Sister! Sister!" (sing it loud!)

Abs and I used to watch that show religiously. That show tune is now most likely playing through your head.'s playing through mine, too. But I find it delightfully annoying, like a little puppy.

Fact: I have the best sisters, ever. I have the best brother, too. Love you long time bro, peace, holla!

(Do people say "holla" anymore? By using that word, I'm either dating myself or proving how incredibly white I am. #wishiweregangsta)

Getting back to the point, my sister Abigail aka Abs, Aberooski, Abberoonios, Abacus, Abbers (please feel free to use all of the above: ABBEROONISKIURS) is turning 22 tomorrow. Take this as my tribute to my ever loving goober face.

Abs (as she will hence forth be known) is my best friend, my silly friend, my honest friend, and my perfect friend. As today is her birthday I get a little misty eyed and pout just a tad because, you see, she is in the great land known as Texas. She's a missionary and I cannot see her for another 11 months. I am so incredibly proud of her and happy for the amazing service she is doing, but darn it all, a sister needs her sister sometimes. What is it about Texas anyway?! It sucks people in and never spits them out again. Maybe it releases the outer shell of the human body as a decoy, but the soul is forever captured and nailed to every longhorn out there. Gah. I will keep myself removed from the (almost) biggest state in the US of A so I can retain my freedom of choice. I bet all you Texas lovers are hating me right now. Love ya'll!

Yeah. Like I said, I could not have asked for a more amazing sister (the Allie monster is just as equally amazing, so it's a major tie in a really good way). She's funny, talented, loving, and drop dead gorgeous. She let's me pat her nose and squish her cheeks, even though she hates being touched on the face. That's true love right there! She cooks, she's clean, and so creative! And no one can do french accents like her. Not even the French! Sorry, French people. My sister is just that cool.

I don't think Abs and I have ever been in a fight before. Maybe we've yelled at each other, but no fight. We've never been competitive or jealous of each other. So you think that is thanks to me? Not at all. It's all Abbers. She has always been selfless and oh so loving (not to mention lovable).


When I was 8 and she was 4, we both received Odette barbie dolls for Christmas (you know? From swan princess?). We both fell asleep that night with our beautiful and flawless dolls. Well, her's was flawless, but mine had one problem: my odette's hair was not as curly as Abbey's. So, while she was dreaming of swan princesses and prince Derricks, I slipped her doll from under her arms and switched dresses with my odette. I slipped my flawed Odette back under Abbey's arms and snuggled back to sleep with her's, maliciously happy knowing my deceit had worked! Yes. She never found out I had switched dolls. That's the kind of sister I am. Abbey would never dream of doing something so awful! She makes cookies and cakes just to give away, and never to satisfy her own sweet tooth. She leaves little love notes tucked under pillows and taped on mirrors just because and she never says a bad word about anyone. Can she be more wonderful?

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why she is the best sister.

On Abs' 6th Birthday
Working on a photo assignment together in Rexburg

Abs and Al in Germany

Me and my Sistah

At the NY train station
Right before an Army Football game at West Point
In Germany with meine Schwester

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Story of My Life

Yes....I drew this while at work. Ha.
Medium:  ball point pen on water stained notebook paper pulled out from behind the trash.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012


Goals take time.  Even though I wish I could snap my fingers like Mary Poppins and have everything done within seconds, I do appreciate the time it takes to accomplish a goal.  I learn and I am more grateful for the opportunities I am given to learn because of the time it takes to fulfill a goal.  I have been graciously given resources and time to accomplish happiness in my life, so the question is, what am I going to do with the time that I have been given?  Goals make it worthwhile and I am able to measure what I am doing with my time.  

So, some of my projects as of late are coming together and it is exciting to see the final product!  I am able to say that I am happy with what I have been filling my time with and I am learning so much!  The album cover I designed for a band was just submitted to be printed (Mark Tonelli Quartet).  

 The cover
   The inside cover
The CD design
The tray card

I can not wait to see the final product.  I am slightly nervous.  Even though it looks amazing on my computer screen, I do not feel like it is complete until I see the CD case itself, covered in plastic, ready to sell. 

After that, I have held two sessions of my photography class!  It has been a great success and so much fun!  For the first session, I had 17 people show up. Wow.  I taught everyone how to use the different functions and buttons on their cameras.  It was amazing to see how many people owned DSLRs and had only ever used the automatic setting because they had no idea how to use their camera.  It was so exciting to see people's eyes light up when they had that "aha!" moment and realized they could do so much more with their amazing cameras.  I love photography.  On the second session we learned about composing a landscape photograph and a portrait.  Again, people's eyes lit up and it was thrilling to see them have a renewed excitement in photography. 

The official flyer.  I hope to keep doing these classes!

If you noticed in the post before, my quilt is coming together as well!  I love creating.  I would not be able to live a full life if I could not create.  Here is part of a talk given by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf about creation.  It is beautiful, and I hope you take the time to read it and appreciate the ability you have within you to create!

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before.

Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty.
Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment. We develop ourselves and others when we take unorganized matter into our hands and mold it into something of beauty...
You might say, “I’m not the creative type. When I sing, I’m always half a tone above or below the note. I cannot draw a line without a ruler. And the only practical use for my homemade bread is as a paperweight or as a doorstop.”
If that is how you feel, think again, and remember that you are spirit {children} of the most creative Being in the universe. Isn’t it remarkable to think that your very spirits are fashioned by an endlessly creative and eternally compassionate God? Think about it—your spirit body is a masterpiece, created with a beauty, function, and capacity beyond imagination.
You may think you don’t have talents, but that is a false assumption, for we all have talents and gifts, every one of us.  The bounds of creativity extend far beyond the limits of a canvas or a sheet of paper and do not require a brush, a pen, or the keys of a piano. Creation means bringing into existence something that did not exist before—colorful gardens, harmonious homes, family memories, flowing laughter.

But to what end were we created? We were created with the express purpose and potential of experiencing a fulness of joy.  Our birthright—and the purpose of our great voyage on this earth—is to seek and experience eternal happiness. One of the ways we find this is by creating things.
Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside.

What you create doesn’t have to be perfect.
If you still feel incapable of creating, start small. Try to see how many smiles you can create, write a letter of appreciation, learn a new skill, identify a space and beautify it.
Nearly a century and a half ago, President Brigham Young spoke to the Saints of his day. 'There is a great work for the Saints to do,' he said. 'Progress, and improve upon and make beautiful everything around you. Cultivate the earth, and cultivate your minds. Build cities, adorn your habitations, make gardens, orchards, and vineyards, and render the earth so pleasant that when you look upon your labors you may do so with pleasure, and that angels may delight to come and visit your beautiful locations. In the mean time continually seek to adorn your minds with all the graces of the Spirit of Christ.' and rely on the Spirit. As you take the normal opportunities of your daily life and create something of beauty and helpfulness, you improve not only the world around you but also the world within you.

The more you trust and rely upon the Spirit, the greater your capacity to create. That is your opportunity in this life and your destiny in the life to come. "
-President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, General Conference, October 2008 (

So, what are you going to do with the time that you have been given today?  I encourage you to take the time to create something beautiful.  Write a letter, draw a picture, make a meal to warm someone's heart.  Make your bed!  :)  You have it within you to create something beautiful.  As for me, today, I think I'll take a few pictures, write a letter to my sister, and make someone smile.  
Have a wonderful day!