Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I draw what I see and what I feel.  

I needed a dress for a formal event.  I looked everywhere for a dress like this.  Never found one!

This was drawn out of boredom.

I like to draw outfits and fashion that I see.  This all came from NYC.

Monday, May 7, 2012


May Seventh. My entire body becomes filled with an indescribable overwhelming of happiness, sadness, and wishful longing every year on this date.  Nostalgia overtakes my senses as it tries to bring me perfectly back to that first May Seventh ten years ago. 

There is a first turning point in every young person’s life when he or she will never be the same.  That turning point often occurs in a moment, pricking the soul instantaneously, permeating through every limb, where it remains, forever.  Years may pass and the memory becomes dormant, leaving one to move on. 

Until Nostalgia sneaks up and without warning, wakes the memory.

May Seventh is my trigger and the memory of my turning point beats to vibrant life once again.  Even when I do not notice the date, I can feel the breeze carrying in hopes of an early summer and the scents of fresh trees and warm days.  I know it is May Seventh and I spend the day in another world, longing to feel those feelings I first felt in a young girl’s heart.  

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sistah, Schwester

"Sister! Sister!" (sing it loud!)

Abs and I used to watch that show religiously. That show tune is now most likely playing through your head.'s playing through mine, too. But I find it delightfully annoying, like a little puppy.

Fact: I have the best sisters, ever. I have the best brother, too. Love you long time bro, peace, holla!

(Do people say "holla" anymore? By using that word, I'm either dating myself or proving how incredibly white I am. #wishiweregangsta)

Getting back to the point, my sister Abigail aka Abs, Aberooski, Abberoonios, Abacus, Abbers (please feel free to use all of the above: ABBEROONISKIURS) is turning 22 tomorrow. Take this as my tribute to my ever loving goober face.

Abs (as she will hence forth be known) is my best friend, my silly friend, my honest friend, and my perfect friend. As today is her birthday I get a little misty eyed and pout just a tad because, you see, she is in the great land known as Texas. She's a missionary and I cannot see her for another 11 months. I am so incredibly proud of her and happy for the amazing service she is doing, but darn it all, a sister needs her sister sometimes. What is it about Texas anyway?! It sucks people in and never spits them out again. Maybe it releases the outer shell of the human body as a decoy, but the soul is forever captured and nailed to every longhorn out there. Gah. I will keep myself removed from the (almost) biggest state in the US of A so I can retain my freedom of choice. I bet all you Texas lovers are hating me right now. Love ya'll!

Yeah. Like I said, I could not have asked for a more amazing sister (the Allie monster is just as equally amazing, so it's a major tie in a really good way). She's funny, talented, loving, and drop dead gorgeous. She let's me pat her nose and squish her cheeks, even though she hates being touched on the face. That's true love right there! She cooks, she's clean, and so creative! And no one can do french accents like her. Not even the French! Sorry, French people. My sister is just that cool.

I don't think Abs and I have ever been in a fight before. Maybe we've yelled at each other, but no fight. We've never been competitive or jealous of each other. So you think that is thanks to me? Not at all. It's all Abbers. She has always been selfless and oh so loving (not to mention lovable).


When I was 8 and she was 4, we both received Odette barbie dolls for Christmas (you know? From swan princess?). We both fell asleep that night with our beautiful and flawless dolls. Well, her's was flawless, but mine had one problem: my odette's hair was not as curly as Abbey's. So, while she was dreaming of swan princesses and prince Derricks, I slipped her doll from under her arms and switched dresses with my odette. I slipped my flawed Odette back under Abbey's arms and snuggled back to sleep with her's, maliciously happy knowing my deceit had worked! Yes. She never found out I had switched dolls. That's the kind of sister I am. Abbey would never dream of doing something so awful! She makes cookies and cakes just to give away, and never to satisfy her own sweet tooth. She leaves little love notes tucked under pillows and taped on mirrors just because and she never says a bad word about anyone. Can she be more wonderful?

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why she is the best sister.

On Abs' 6th Birthday
Working on a photo assignment together in Rexburg

Abs and Al in Germany

Me and my Sistah

At the NY train station
Right before an Army Football game at West Point
In Germany with meine Schwester