As I've pursued photography as a business over the last year, my passion has become my work. And though this is my dream, work does get exhausting and I have discovered that I need a new creative outlet on days where my eyes burn from staring at a computer screen for too long. My mother has always tried to persuade me to sew. I attempted the craft several times throughout childhood and on through teenage-hood. Every project I finished I hated and I always ended up throwing something or cursing out the sewing machine. This last year I decided to give it one more go. If I couldn't do it in my 20's, then I'll never attempt it again. Well, to my surprise, I instantly fell in love. I never knew I had it in me to sew and actually enjoy it! I pretty much started January 1, 2012 and haven't stopped since. I'm working on a project almost every week and I love it. Most projects are simple and I've found so many tutorials online. I'm obsessed with sewing blogs and I'm so thankful to all those lovely ladies out there willing to share their craft with me. So, I'll return the favor.
Here are several of my favorite projects from this last year with the links to the tutorials provided. I hope you enjoy and find something here you'd love to make, too!
And after one year and lots of fabric and thread and needles pricks later, I finished my quilt!